Written by Ethan Forrester

As I am now starting to get deeper into the research and talk to more people in the Liverpool city region; I have started to better understand the challenges that the region faces and have been given an insight into what changes could benefit the Liverpool community.

I have now spoken to people working in the public, private and voluntary sector. Whilst all have different challenges, one common theme is how collaborations/partnerships between the sectors could benefit each of them.

With the current system being referred to as “clunky”, “cumbersome” and “complex” among other terms; this highlights the issues quite succinctly from the views of people outside of the public sector. Furthermore, issues relating to communication with local public sector organisations was a reoccurring theme whereby individuals and local organisations have found it difficult to reach who they needed to.

There is also the issue of decisions needing to be made locally in Liverpool rather than in London. Contributors to my enquiry have commented that decisions being made by the government in London for Liverpool is a negative as they do not truly understand the local issues in Liverpool and that local people would be better placed to make decisions. Maybe indicating a preference to a more decentralised system?