Our Question:

How can we develop a strategic, systemic, delivery model that supports young people in developing their careers, raising their aspirations and enhancing their contribution to Liverpool society?

Beth and Ryan, our outstanding interns from Liverpool John Moores University, introduced below, will be exploring this question with us using the UK Civil Service departments in our city as the initial context for enquiry.

We will explore the development of a delivery model seeking a strategic solution that can be applied across all sectors. We are engaging with civil service leaders in our city, employment leaders from our universities and secondary schools.

If you would like to know more, please get in touch.

Our Aspiration

Build a successful, prospering and resilient economy

A labour force equipped with the skills necessary to fulfil the jobs available now, and in the future.

Ensure everyone in Liverpool has the skills and sector understanding necessary for them to succeed in their chosen profession

Our Challenge

Liverpool City Region is ranked as the most deprived of England’s 38 LEP areas and Liverpool is considered the 3rd most deprived of 317 local authority areas.

Our city has:

One of lowest educational attainment and skilled worker rates – 12% of working age residents lack any formal qualifications compared with 9% nationally, with Liverpool at 14% and Knowsley at 16%.

Only 29% of residents have attained high level qualifications compared to 37% nationally. A disconnect between skill supply and skill demand due to lack of awareness of the skills
required to enter and succeed in different sectors and businesses.

Poor work readiness due to skills deficit including generic skills, team working, literacy and numeracy, attitude, motivation and communication.

The City Region is home to some of the country’s most disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Liverpool and Knowsley are among the most deprived local authority areas in the country.



“Hello, my name is Ryan. I am a third year Human Resource Management student at Liverpool John Moores University. Over the course of the last three years, I have completed various modules and assignments that have expanded my knowledge surrounding employability, which ultimately led me to become very interested in completing this internship.

The moment I saw this opportunity I knew I had to apply. In regard to myself, the knowledge and experience gained from completing this internship will be immensely valuable and will set me up perfectly for when I enter the working world. Furthermore, having a real opportunity to make a positive difference in young people’s lives and potentially help inspire them to reach their maximum potential makes this internship really fulfilling for me.

I look forward to working alongside the civil service, various education establishments and Ai Change Management to provide the young people in Liverpool’s community with the knowledge needed to develop their careers and raise their aspirations.”



“Hi, I’m Beth! I am a third-year student at Liverpool John Moores University studying a BSc in Accounting and Finance. Through the length of my course I have had a growing interest in business management and how to effectively create change within a business to yield the most effective results. It then led me to think how this could be transferred into our community and what changes could be made to ensure we are utilising all aspects of our community.

I was thrilled when the opportunity arose to play an active part in encouraging young peoples’ aspirations and enhancing their contribution to society.

Through the course of the internship, I will work with the local community, as well as key stakeholders, to generate more accessible leaving school programs. This will aid young students to build a solid foundation at the start of their careers.

Furthermore, these opportunities will enable younger people in the community to showcase their talents and skill sets.”