A place to learn, share ideas, discuss challenges, in a community of inquiry and mutual support.

Organisation Development is all the activities engaged in by managers, employees, and helpers that are directed toward building and maintaining the health of the organisation as a total system.”
– Edgar Schein

We have explored how we can build our NW OD Community. Here is what we shared…

Take a look at what we have discussed recently…


If you would like to join the community, or know someone who would, please mail me at peter@avramix.com

Our community exists to:

– Connect a vibrant and diverse community of practitioners
– Create a movement to support business improvement and evidence the impact of the field of OD
– Model ethical practice

Please get in touch if you would like to join us.

Our Principles


The inclusion of people, ideas, perspectives and cultures to design, develop and lead healthy organisations.


Participatory approaches to organisational change and decision-making which respect the contributions, dignity and worth of all.


Social responsibility and social justice – the benefit and wellbeing of all. Equitable policies, principles and practices in organisations and communities.

Our Partners

We are Community Builder partners with ODN Europe hosting our OD Community and also the North of England EODF Hub (European Organisation Design Forum).

ODN Europe